“I purchased two books for my friends (who are getting divorced). I thought about loaning them my book, but realized I didn’t want to give it up. I still find myself going back to the book to look at it as my son ages.”
“I loved this class. The instructor was very good, and I would do it all over again.”
“Excellent material that I will begin using today!!”
“Great class…was slightly nervous about the possible subject matter…was very pleased! Motivated and excited to work with my co-parent in the future.”
“Great energy. Very positive. I will take what I learned and use it to co-parent better.”
“This was fantastic! Thank you so much! It didn’t even feel like 4 hours!”
“Parents should not wait for a divorce situation before attending this class. The instructor helped me evaluate my circumstances and reinstate my beliefs.”
“I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather…” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe